Watch: Saturday Night Live’s Macy’s ad for children’s clothes is highly relatable


December 16, 2019 – USA Today – Here’s a moment during the holiday season where parents might watch their kids turn into mini-Scrooges: wearing fancy outfits.

Whether it’s for holiday pictures or a trip to church, there’s always that bulky sweater or tight pair of dress shoes kids will absolutely hate.

It’s why Saturday Night Live’s hilarious spoof of a Macy’s commercial for children’s clothing is so very relatable to every parent – or anyone who ever had squeeze into kids’ holiday attire.

“All month long, we’re taking 25% off boys’ merino wool sweaters that won’t fit over his head,” reads a portion of the ad, followed by an exasperated dad attempting to dress his son in a new sweater. “If you stop squirming, it would be on already,” he says.

All weekend, the video has made the rounds on social media, with over 3 million YouTube views and over 1,500 comments as of Monday morning.

Even the commenters on the YouTube video, from parents to Macy’s employees, took solace in this seemingly accurate portrayal.

“As an employee working at Macy’s this literally happens every day,” said YouTube user Justin Tenorio.

See it at USA Today.