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The August ENK Children's Club 'Rocks the Youth' Vote The vote is in (well this vote anyway) and from the look of things the winner is: kids of all ages! To say that politics, more specifically, the Presidential election, was an unmistakable presence at the ENK Children's Club (held August 3-5, 2008; this time at the smaller, more intimate Pier 94 in New York rather than the Javits Convention Center) is an understatement. While I won't go so far as to claim that every booth (displaying all manner of clothing, accessories, home furnishings, gift items, etc.) featured something relating to the upcoming election, I can tell you that the ones that did, thanks in large part to their graphics, ingenuity, creativity, and sense of humor, certainly grabbed my attention. One company, Blume, even used this show as an opportunity to launch their 'Election Collection' and corresponding website). It was hard NOT to notice all the diaper covers, onesies, T-shirts, headbands, burp cloths, bibs, etc. imprinted, stamped, appliquéd, or embroidered with the names and symbols of the two (or in some cases three) major political parties, emblazoned with the word 'vote' (or emblazoned with slogans reminding you to get out and vote), or endorsing either Senators Barack Obama or John McCain for President. Speaking of which, what if I told you that both candidates were actually present at the Piers? (Most likely, you're thinking that it's not all that surprising, given that both men have already proven that they would do anything and go anywhere to get a vote!) But of course, they were not there in the flesh but rather, in the form of lifelike and life size cardboard replicas (courtesy Funzees) that were so convincing, they had me do a double take!
Politics at the Funzees booth.
But seriously getting back to politics...The Children's Club, is always a reflection of the times we live in, and as such, is a barometer of what is going on (in fashion, sports, popular culture, politics, the economy, and world events). And so, it was also not surprising, given the ongoing war and constant news of violence around the world, that the peace sign, (which is a perennial favorite - a classic really - that never seems to disappear), was literally ubiquitous. It showed up in teeny tiny miniature versions on jewelry and in oversized incarnations on bags and T-shirts that could be seen from a block away. I always love pointing out that where there's war...there's love (or vice versa) And so hearts (heart patterns, heart embroideries, bejeweled hearts, cutout hearts) figured prominently in the many collections. New peace sign tees from Diaper Dude.
Then there's the worrisome economic news. What better time to encourage our young ones to start saving than now? While piggy banks have always been popular gift items, (the deliciously colored, giant ceramic polka dot piggy banks at Elegant Baby never fail to put a smile on my face). I seemed to notice more and more really wonderful versions being offered this time around. Saving money at Elegant Baby.
Speaking of money .as I strolled the aisles of Pier 94, in search of all manner of 'accessories' (an important, all encompassing, and ever growing children's market), one phrase kept popping into my mind over and over: "Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise". The 'wealth' part I already touched upon. As for 'health' I found more than a few companies who are obviously striving to bring awareness of specific health issues to the young sector of the population. Not the least of which is High IntenCity which just launched their Pinkalicious Collection, in association with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, dedicated to education and research about causes, treatment, and the search for a cure. And we all know that childhood obesity is one of our nation's most pressing health issues. I couldn't help but notice all the items (and packaging) that seemed destined to promote good eating habits since they were shaped like, decorated, printed, painted, appliquéd, or embroidered with images or facsimiles of peas, carrots, apples, strawberries, bananas, etc. And while there were certainly a lot of 'junk foods' on display (a surprising 'smorgasbord' with everything from fatty Big Macs and slices of pizza, to sugary cakes, pies, cupcakes, ice cream cones, lollipops, and assorted candy) alas, they were only to look at (or wear) and not to eat. Talk about the ultimate 'eye candy'. This would undoubtedly please Clinical Instructor Dana Weintraub, MD., whose specialty is childhood obesity. She is on staff at Stanford University's renowned Lucile Packard Children's Hospital where the Center for Healthy Weight offers a comprehensive program "designed to prevent and treat overweight and obesity in children and adolescents, making healthy lunches and snacks available at schools, and ensuring access to healthy foods in all communities. As for the 'wise' .well that's where owls (a very popular creature whose likeness can be found on an assortment of items), educational puzzles, toys, and books come in. By making these things eye grabbing, amusing, and fun, we are helping our little ones enjoy the pleasures of the written and spoken word, and exercise their intellect. Of course, the Children's Club took place just one week before the opening of the Summer Olympics in Beijing and so it was easy to find correlations (how about 'go for the gold' and 'silver medal' metallics which are still wildly popular, and which I found on bags, shoes, belts, hair accessories, even sneakers). And sneakers, the ultimate in athletic footwear for kids of all ages, have become a major category unto themselves, as designers seek to make them better looking, more fashion forward, more glamorous, and more high performance, all at the same time. Superga's floral canvas sneaker.
But unfortunately, while there is a lot to feel good about, there is nonetheless the unrelenting grim news (the economy, world events, ongoing war, violence, health concerns) that we are subjected to on a daily basis. Is it any wonder that I gravitated to those booths and to those 'feel good' items that were amusing, whimsical, happy, and made me smile (or in some instances, laugh out loud)? There were even some cases where it was not only the merchandise, but the designers/manufacturers who made me LOL, amusing me with stories of his/her/their product, (its inspiration, how it was named, etc.) Enthusiasm is indeed contagious. And as luck would have it, I found plenty to smile about: from nostalgic happy, 'smiley faces' (which literally seemed to be all over the place), exuberant 'feel good' colors, bold geometric patterns, eye catching graphics, expressive art work, oversized joyful flowers and florals, upbeat shiny metallics, humorous slogans, sweet huggable pets, soothing and comfy blankets, and more. Just the sort of things one would expect to find for spring (and while some exhibitors were showing immediate delivery fall merchandise, this particular Children's Club was a spring show after all). Eye-catching face towel graphics at Dpoppen.
There was also plenty of monogramming and personalizing of items, a trend toward diaper bags being made into the ultimate fashion statement, leopard, zebra, and tiger prints (which NEVER go out of favor for all ages), organic cottons and wools being used, and the ultimate in practicality: an item (see below) that can truly be used by all ages and shared by members of the family (talk about share and share alike). Tivoli Couture's baby bandanas have a removable snap on the bottom - for a teething ring or pacifier - and can just as easily be used by mom as a chic scarf around her neck.
And finally, for the second season in a row, ENK provided show attendees with a really usable good looking, oversized, sturdy unbleached canvas tote (with orange or yellow straps), replacing the vinyl ones that were given out for many years. As for the temporary switch to the Piers from the Javits Center that was met by an almost unanimous 'thumbs up' from almost everyone I spoke to. Perhaps the only complaint registered was the inability to get a Starbucks Double Latte.
TRENDS: And by the way, all of these (perhaps with the exception of "Food, glorious food" and 'Piggy banks') happen to be very big trends in the ready-to-wear market. 'Rock the Vote': All things related to the upcoming Presidential election were very much on view (from political slogans and endorsements of candidates, to reminders for everyone to vote and the candidates themselves). From Blume's Election Collection.
Give 'Peace' a Chance: Peace signs have become a perennial classic. From Diaper Dude: The Diva collection metallic bags.
'Heart to Heart': Hearts are always a popular theme and continue to be this season. "Food, Glorious Food": It was a true 'feeding frenzy' out there thanks to images, photos, appliqués, embroideries, etc. of everything from veggies and fruits, slices of pizza, and Big Macs, to sugary candy, lollipops, pies, cupcakes, and ice cream cones. (But they were only for looking and wearing, and not eating). Best of Chums Hungry Baby pies. Pea Soup's ice cream cone and cupcake sets. Sparkle by Design crystal strawberry black tank.
Smiley Faces: A retro blast from the past this sunny iconic symbol was smiling up at me from bags, jewelry, belt buckles, charms, etc. A smiling face at Top Trenz/Undee Bandz.
Skull and Crossbones: The theme continues in popularity and the newest ones are smiling.
Melton's smiling crossbone socks; and Rockin Robin Belts.
You Can 'Bank' On It: The piggy bank has never looked better (hey, it's never too early to start saving). Personalization: Monogramming is the quickest way to make something personal and special: the ultimate gift. Security Blankets: The ultimate cocoon (after mom's womb of course) gets quite fashionable and chic these days. 'Bag' It: Diaper bags are getting more fashion forward and stylish (and practical) each season and they are not just for moms, but for dads! "Share and Share Alike": Items, that because of sizing and style, can literally be shared and used by almost all ages, both sexes - the ultimate in practicality (for example, Tivoli Couture's printed bandana which can be used by baby and mom alike - just remember to remove the teething ring). 'Pattern' Pending: Bold graphics, eye catching patterns are all over, and they look especially good on leg wear (socks, tights, leggings, leg warmers). Necklace T's: T-shirts and tops with their own embroidered or bejeweled necklace already designed onto the piece. Jungle Fever: The appeal of leopard, zebra, giraffe, and tiger prints knows no bounds. Infantissma animal printed blankets and bibs.
Below the 'Belt': Statement making belts and belt buckles take center stage. Museum Mile: Expressive artwork can be used to transform even the most ordinary items and add a touch of whimsy. Go for the 'Gold': Olympic inspired gold (gold jewelry and gold metallics) never seems to fade from view and are always favored by gals (even guys) of all ages. (Michael Phelps, anyone?) 'Silver' Medalists: See above Sneaker Chic: The lowly athletic sneaker is lowly no more (I'm talking about high style and high performance). 'Flower' Power: The bigger and bolder, the better. Comic Relief: Amusing and often hilarious slogans were seemingly stamped and imprinted on everything from bibs and diapers to onesies and T's.
Originally published August 29, 2008