How I Get It Done: Stitch Fix CEO Katrina Lake


December 30, 2019 – New York MagazineKatrina Lake is the founder and CEO of the personal-shopping company Stitch Fix. The premise: Instead of shopping, StitchFix uses algorithms and expert stylists to pick out a box of clothes for you. Then you can try them on in the comfort of your own home, buy the clothes you want to keep, and return the rest. Lake founded the company in 2011, when she was 28; last year, Stitch Fix made $1.2 billion, earning Lake a place on Forbes’s list of America’s Richest Self-Made Women. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and two children. Here’s how she gets it done.

On a typical morning: 
I have two kids, ages 3 and 1. My morning starts when one of them wakes up, which is usually between six and seven. I spend time with them, snuggling and reading books, and then it’s about eating and getting them out the door. Somehow, with one kid, it was more manageable. But with two kids, I think, What are the things I need to have solid in my life in order to survive and be my best self? I used to love the hemming and hawing of getting dressed, but I don’t have time for that now. I leave the house every morning at 8:30. And I’m still pumping, so that’s really fun. Right before I leave the house, I’m usually pumping.

On her love of meetings:
I have a reputation for crashing meetings. I’ll look at the calendar and say, Oh, that looks like a cool, interesting meeting. Our team has gotten so big that I don’t get to see every single thing we’re working on, but this way I can get some glimpses into what each team is working on.

I try to spend a half-day each month in our warehouse. I also style about five fixes a week. It doesn’t take up a lot of my time, but it’s something I love to do to feel really connected to the work we’re doing. It makes me feel inspired and rejuvenated.

Read more at New York Magazine.